What is Abundance?

Abundance has many meanings, but we can say for now that abundance is the ability to tap into your deepest inner self while allowing the Universe to provide for your needs. Abundance can come in the form of friendships, wisdom, money, creative expression, good health, enthusiasm, inner peace, and countless other ways. Positive thinking and […]

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Flowing Free Through Adversity

During life, we will all eventually face difficult times. Living is, in large part, facing adversity. Getting out of your comfort zone is one adversity, and you’ve been doing it all the time, ever since you were born. As much as you try to protect yourself, you cannot have control of all the experiences that […]

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Every Energy is Sacred

Although the feminine energy has been oppressed over the past few decades, it’s important to know that even though it’s maybe hidden, it’s still within you. With every step you take to connect with it, you will feel your life-changing and flowing more than ever.  But it is worth remembering that the call to awaken […]

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Do you have difficulty prioritizing your needs and setting boundaries for your self-care? People struggle with this because they tend to put others’ needs in front of them. This is a way of avoiding conflict and making other people happy.  But setting boundaries is an important key for self-care. The truth is that they protect […]

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