Building Blocks: Creating Your Purpose And Manifesting Your Destiny

We live in unprecedented times. We have been shaken to the core, we have reinvented ourselves more than once, and we have survived. Then when the waters get calmer, we ask ourselves, what was this all about?

Why have I lived this? What is the purpose of all this disruption, challenge, and suffering? How can I give meaning to all these experiences and remain connected to my north star? Do I know what my north star is? Or am I following a dream that is no longer in alignment with who I have become? These are all so tender questions, valid questions for which is hard to find an answer on our own. This program will support you in resourcing the most profound truth about who you are and for what reason you are here. It will guide you to see your superpowers and from them to subtract your most significant contribution, that aspect of you that is so unique to you and that makes a difference in others’ lives. This program will assist you in identifying your actual vision and create your next steps between you now and your future self, living your north star vision.