How to Meditate

  • November 16, 2021
  • admin
  • 1 min read

First, you will need to find a quiet place. If you feel, you can put on some relaxing music and light some incense. Make sure you will not be disturbed during your practice and create a moment of intimacy with yourself.

Sit in a comfortable position and put your attention on your breathing. Focus on each inhale and exhale. Use your breathing to relax any tension in your body. 

Maybe distraction and thoughts will come. That is normal, so just let them come and go. After a lot of practice, you will learn how to manage distraction. 

When you feel self-conscious, think about the adversity, and ask the Universe to bring you solutions. Be open to new insights and messages. Use this time to see this whole situation from a greater perspective.

After this practice, have a journal near you to write down all your insights and possible notes to yourself.

Meditating for just five to ten minutes a day is an achievement you should be proud of. It is a powerful habit that can change the energy of your day and the way you view your daily problems and adversities.